You know how so many women physicians are overworked, worried about money yet no one is teaching us about money?

We solve that here.

We Teach women physicians To Have Money Without Overworking.

Welcome to The Best Money Community for women physicians.

Learn the framework that I used to stop overworking , pay off debilitating debt and build my version of a rich & joy-filled life?

I now have the freedom and security and a bigger love and enjoyment for practicing medicine without worrying about money.

Join the...

The Money Coaching School For

Badass Women Physicians


Grow their money without overworking

Stop worrying about money
Have a choice in how they practice medicine
Build a financial future for your family


Yes! You can have money even if you:

You think "you're bad with money"

Don’t know where to start

Are too

darn busy

Are the breadwinner

Only work part-time

Come from an immigrant family with

lots of responsibility

Are the first in your family to go to college

Grew up poor

Grew up with money

Even if you can't seem to stop fighting with your spouse or partner over money………………………..

You can change your financial trajectory just like my clients and in a way that is simple, loving, effective, and successful.

Money becomes a tool you can have, enjoy, grow, and pass on to those you love.

The Money School for Badass Physicians will teach you how to have money and have more autonomy by embracing your unique :

O-W-N-R framework

OPEN your life up to wealth

Find and change negative money beliefs that have shaped your habits and created conflict. Embrace a fresh vision of financial health. Hustling not required!

Start to WIN with your paycheck

Gain understanding of high-yield personal finance.
Hit your savings goals, and go from working for money to having your money work for you.

First double then 3x your NET WORTH

Apply targeted wealth tools and seize opportunities to diversify your income and build a 6 to 7-figure net worth over the next few years. Enjoy the freedom and autonomy that you’ve earned!


With yourself, your loved ones, and your money. Stop and uproot the fear of lack and escape the constant conflict.
Unveil and truly enjoy the freedom and autonomy that you’ve earned!

What our Physician clients are saying

Dr. Tanesha

Emergency medicine

"..becoming more financially responsible has helped to transform me into a better version of who I am and who I am called to be."

MoneyFitMD has been the gift that keeps on giving. Not only do I feel more secure in developing a plan to becoming more financially free to pursue my own personal passions outside of traditional medicine, but becoming more financially responsible has helped to transform me into a better version of who I am and who I am called to be.

Dr. Diana

Pediatric subspecialist

“stopped procrastinating on starting a college savings account, and started investing in real estate. I have been able to cut down at work and spend more time with my daughter...."

“Finances have always been scary and confusing to me, all I cared about was if I would ever be able to pay off my medical school loans. I never thought that was possible as a pediatric subspecialist! Dr. Latifat has been wonderful in changing my attitude towards my finances. She has helped me realize that I can learn the language and succeed for me and my family's future. I finally opened up my first finance book (long overdue!), stopped procrastinating on starting a college savings account, and started investing in real estate. I have been able to cut down at work and spend more time with my daughter.”

Dr. Tanesha

Primary care physicians/ wellness coach.

"I learned to handle the relationship issues that had stymied my progress in personal financial management for decades."

“Your program helped me to unearth my deepest and most dysfunctional money beliefs, and to quiet decades of negative self-talk. In just a few weeks, I learned to handle the relationship issues that had stymied my progress in personal financial management for decades. And most importantly, you taught me to love myself and to trust that whatever comes my way I will definitely be able to figure it out.”

What do you Get when you Enroll in

The Money School for Badass Women Physicians?

A Physician-Focused Wealth-building Program and Community

(Get ready to change your life & impact generations)

TEACHING MODULES: After your initial onboarding video, you will gain access to 8 teaching modules on growing your personal wealth as a physician. Each module contains videos that you can review at your own pace. The modules & materials are released weekly to avoid overwhelm.

BI-MONTHLY LIVE COACHING CALLS FOR THE WIN: These deep dive group coaching sessions help you remove roadblocks and provide accountability as you apply wealth-building strategies.

UNLIMITED WRITTEN COACHING: Whichever time zone you’re in, you can check in real-time to get feedback on your progress within the group.

MSB WORKBOOK: Worksheets help you create personal step-by-step action plans. By the end of 8 weeks, you’ll have created your complete financial blueprint & roadmap.

MSB WORKBOOK: Worksheets help you create personal step-by-step action plans. By the end of 8 weeks, you’ll have created your complete financial blueprint & roadmap.

PHYSICIAN-ONLY MONEY VILLAGE: You’ll have access to a private, online group of women physicians who are “all in the same boat.” This group has time and time again proven instrumental in breaking money taboos, elevating, educating, and empowering each other
because empowered women empower other women.

Are you ready to extend your professional badassery into Your personal finances?

Do you want to have that inner confidence that comes when your finances are well-managed and growing?

Do you want to stop trading time for money so that you can...

Cut down your hours at work and stop taking those extra shifts you don't really want to take?

Spend more time with your family?

Leave your children an inheritance even if you didn't get one yourself?

Finally, take that dream vacation without worrying about money?

Know what it feels like to take a random day off in the middle of the week to just chill?

Give more to that cause that gives you life?

Not feel guilty about spending on that thing you have been dreaming of buying when you "finally have money"?

Take a Closer Look Inside the MSB Program!

When you sign up for MSB, you will receive immediate access to our course platform.

Once you are in the program, you are in for life/

You get lifetime access to the course content and future additional content at no extra charge.

We will be with you on your journey as you grow your net worth to 6-figures and beyond.

And the program is guaranteed.

You either get a return on your investment or we give you your money back.


Module 1:

Taking inventory

• Identify your history/ past patterns with money

• Understand your default money psychology

• Understand your own money story

Module 2:

Psychology of money

• Master the emotions behind your financial decisions

• Cognitive reframing, so you can create your rich mind

Module 3:

Tackle Debt:

• How the wealthy leverage debt

• Crush "bad" debt

Module 4:

Spending Plan

• Create your spending plan even if you hate spreadsheets and budgeting

• Tell your money where to go

• Spend well, without guilt

Module 5:

Money Management

• Create a financial system that will grow as you grow

• Wealth building tools

Module 6:

Grow your net worth

• Create multiple sources of income

• Stock market demystified

Module 7:

Estate Planning

•Protect your income

•Protect your family

•Understanding the basics of Estate Planning


Surprise Bonuses include guest master classes that will help you:

•Create more time in your day and work life

•Negotiate pay raises and big-ticket purchases

•Navigate touchy financialtopicsin your relationships, even if you speak different money languages

Career enriching bonuses include:

•How to Maximize Billing and Coding

•How to Stop Charting After Hours

Maybe you're wondering if you can make this work because ...

🚩Investments seem too complicated!

🚩You've made every money mistake there is out there!

🚩Money talks with your partner or kids always seem to get hairy?? 🤦🏽‍♀️

I totally get it.

This is exactly where I was a few years ago.

Hi! I'm Dr. Latifat, a Gastroenterologist, money coach for Women Physicians and author of the bestselling book, Done with Broke - The woman physician’s guide to more money and less hustle

I went from $200k in debt, ashamed & confused to a debt-free, 7-figure net worth with diversified income streams.

I’m a certified life coach, money coach, and founder of MoneyFitMD.

I am also a practicing gastroenterologist.

When I started earning money as a physician, I knew zero about personal finances and was too embarrassed to tell anyone.

I was earning good money as a physician … yet buried in debt & clueless about finances. My husband and I had 3 kids and realized they deserved better. I realized that in order to be the kind of mother, spouse, physician, and human I wanted to be, I had to get past my shame, my embarrassment, and figure things out - while I still had time on my side.

What I discovered though was that there was so much misinformation out there, and people were making money more complicated than it should be. Couple that with the fact that physicians seem to have targets on their back from people looking to take advantage of our financial situations.

Yet I knew I had to FIND A WAY!

5 years later, we have achieved true financial freedom. My student debt is paid off, my income sources diversified.

I now practice medicine not because I HAVE to but because I WANT to. And guess what? I enjoy it even more now.

I am on a mission to help you achieve your own financial goals, without wasting more time.

Everything is possible. It starts with making this single decision.

I invite you on this journey together, so that you can achieve your 6-figure net worth goals and beyond.

“The most important thing one woman

can do for another is to illuminate

and expand her sense of actual possibilities.” -
Adrienne Rich, feminist author

Get ready to finally gain financial peace of mind & lead your own truly rich life

Week by week, step by step, I’ll bust through money myths & break down financial concepts as you gain complete confidence & clarity about your money, your time, and your family’s financial future.

Are you feeling ready to unleash your own money badass?

Hit that button below and secure a spot in MSB .

Get ready to finally gain financial peace of mind & lead your own truly rich life

Week by week, step by step, I’ll bust through money myths & break down financial concepts as you gain complete confidence & clarity about your money, your time, and your family’s financial future.

Are you feeling ready to unleash your own money badass?

Hit that button below and secure a spot in MSB .

This Money School group coaching program WILL NOT :

Bog down your already busy schedule. You will not be bogged down by useless information. Everything in this program is the highest yield material that you need to grow your net worth.

Shame you for your present or your past. MoneyFitMD was created due to a need for a no-shaming, no-mansplaining zone. We believe your scars are part of your becoming an experienced money badass.

Be full of boring jargon and knowledge. We make money fun, joyful and possible for everyone.

Taofeqat A

“I was getting comfortable with living from paycheck to paycheck -- despite making a good income.

“Like a lot of physicians, I had a lot of student debt. I was getting comfortable with living from paycheck to paycheck -- despite making a good income. Latifat’s program made me realize I could actually break that cycle. Now I can sleep better at night. No more mindless credit card debt. So glad I found her when I did. She will change your money life and smash your limiting beliefs.”


The Money Coaching School for badass women physicians.

When does MSB begin?

You start the moment you join. You will get immediate access to our course platform. Check your email for details to join our private group community.

How much time does this program take each week?

You start the moment you join. You will get immediate access to our course platform. Check your email for details to join our private group community. 

Will I get to work with you personally?

While this is not a 1:1 program, we have many touch points within our private community. Members in the past have gotten the time that they needed and the coaching they needed to help them take massive action and get results. 

How do I know this program will help?

We are happy to answer any questions you might have. Send an email to: OR visit to schedule a free call with our team member. 

What if I have more questions?

We are happy to answer any questions you might have. Send an email to: OR visit to schedule a free call with our team member. 

30 day 100% Money-Back Guarantee

After learning and implementing the methods I teach in MSB, if you aren’t completely satisfied we will refund you the purchase price of the program

So, my final question for you …

Are you ready to:

Up your money game.

Grow your net worth.

Create the rich life you want and deserve, without wasting

any more time in the status quo.

Your opportunity awaits!


One Payment


12 Payments



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