You are invited to a secret meeting.

For women physicians that want to master the art of financial boundaries so they can secure their own financial future without sacrificing relationships or feeling shitty about it.


You are invited to a secret meeting

For women physicians that want to master the art of financial boundaries so they can secure their own financial future without sacrificing relationships or feeling shitty about it.

You are secretly annoyed about being the one called on to Chip in for another (non elective) fun department party…. again. Maybe staff even has a publicly displayed list of donors. Talk about shaming.

Your spouse / partner is in control of all the finances and you wish you could be in the know too, so you don’t have to get permission for every penny spent as if you are not a grown up adult.

Your grown kids and family keep asking for money and you really really want to say no but you are so worried about disappointing them and causing relationship stress. You already gave and gave.

You love your parents. So grateful for them and how they have supported your journey but you know paying the ever increasing financial demands is making you even more uncertain about your financial future. You want to help and give but you wish you could say no sometimes- for the sake of your financial future and theirs too.

You are divorced and feel insanely annoyed everytime you think of what your ex is spending your hard earned money on. Your get so annoyed that it’s impossible to not ask that out next time and you know you would rather spend that energy on other more productive things. Yet…. Sooo annoying.

I know you love humans ( in general) and want to do good to them. You want to give and help and change the world but sometimes you know you can’t afford it….So you wish you could say ‘not this time.’

But you stop short….smile and say ‘sure.’

Let me tell you, I get it cos this was me. As a recovering people pleaser, Living paycheck to paycheck and not even maxing out my retirement because all I was doing was saying yea to everything and everyone….

Except myself and my financial future.

All that has changed. The best part is I am able to give even more now to those I care about without sacrificing my relationships
then and now.

I want to show you how.

You are secretly annoyed about being the one called on to Chip in for another (non elective) fun department party…. again. Maybe staff even has a publicly displayed list of donors. Talk about shaming.

Your spouse / partner is in control of all the finances and you wish you could be in the know too, so you don’t have to get permission for every penny spent as if you are not a grown up adult.

Your grown kids and family keep asking for money and you really really want to say no but you are so worried about disappointing them and causing relationship stress. You already gave and gave.

You love your parents. So grateful for them and how they have supported your journey but you know paying the ever increasing financial demands is making you even more uncertain about your financial future. You want to help and give but you wish you could say no sometimes- for the sake of your financial future and theirs too.

You are divorced and feel insanely annoyed everytime you think of what your ex is spending your hard earned money on. Your get so annoyed that it’s impossible to not ask that out next time and you know you would rather spend that energy on other more productive things. Yet…. Sooo annoying.

I know you love humans ( in general) and want to do good to them. You want to give and help and change the world but sometimes you know you can’t afford it…. So you wish you could say ‘not this

But you stop short….smile and say ‘sure.’

Let me tell you, I get it cos this was me. As a recovering people pleaser, Living paycheck to paycheck
and not even maxing out my retirement because all I was doing was saying yea to everything and everyone….

Let me tell you, I get it cos this was me. As a recovering people pleaser, Living paycheck to paycheck
and not even maxing out my retirement because all I was doing was saying yea to everything and everyone….

Except myself and my financial future.

All that has changed. The best part is I am able to give even more now to those I care
about without sacrificing my relationships then and now.

I want to show you how.

Sign up for the secret training.

It has already impacted the lives of many women. Now it
is your turn


You will get immediate access to the 90-minute training & manifesto that
will change how you handle boundaries.

And because this is a Secret Meeting, you will emerge with a new set of tools, leaving everyone wondering who the heck this new version of you is…. Calm, kind, peace of mind, giving, weight off your shoulders……with clear boundaries.

And because this is a Secret Meeting, you will emerge with a new set of tools, leaving everyone wondering who the heck this new version of you is…. Calm, kind, peace of mind, giving, weight off your shoulders……with clear boundaries.